The forms that populate our city streets have become an integral part of our lives, whether we consciously acknowledge them or not. These shapes are often seen, but rarely truly observed. The form of an object may appear simple, but beneath the surface, it carries deep feelings and meaning. From yesterday to today, these forms have shaped the city we’ve built with our own hands. Everywhere we look, squares, rectangles, and circles fill the space around us, blending seamlessly into our daily lives.
We look, but we don’t always see. We pass by and forget. We may not even notice a significant void if these simple shapes were suddenly gone, as we’ve grown accustomed to them. Yet, I find them beautiful. These forms silently carry a century of memories and emotions that we've passed by indifferently. They hold untold stories.
Behind these lines and shapes is an infinite space—a space where we might see and reflect on ourselves, as if looking into a mirror. Let’s take a moment to look closely and truly see our quiet, gray neighbors.
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